Wednesday, June 19, 2013


We woke up to rain and we'll probably go to sleep to rain, but this afternoon was sunshine beautiful!  We hadn't been to the Trocadero, the beautiful gardens and fountains on the right bank of the Seine opposite the Effiel Tower on the left bank.  So that's what we did and we weren't the only ones.  We can tell its summer vacation time for families.  The kids are out of school and the crowds are picking up.
It's no Luxembourg Park, but the weather was so nice, people were wading in the fountains.  They were sunbathing on the grassy areas, skating and roller blading through out the park.

We got an ice cream cone and watched the families on the beautiful carousel.

Tom got some great pictures of the Effiel Tower and cruise boats on the Seine.
As the sky started to darken we took our cue to find a Metro and beat the rain back home.

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