Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"I never promised you a rose garden"

I may not have been promised a rose garden, but I got one today.  Our friend, Michele recommended the Parc de Bagatelle.  It's on the west side of the city, off the beaten path of the tourists.  Paris owes this park to Marie Antoinette.  She had a wager with her borther-in-law, that he couldn't complete a small palace and gardens in less than 3 months.  He hired 1000 craftsmen, and won the bet.  It's not the palace that draws the people, but the gardens.  I do love roses and these are magnificent!

There were a multitude of peacocks roaming the gardens.

The bumble bees were in bumble bee heaven, as they flitted from flower to flower.

There is a grotto with water lilies.  Wonder if Monet ever came here?

There are magnificent flowers in addition to the roses.

The palace and park was known as Marie Antoinette's folly, but it was a beautiful folly and a lasting treasure for the people of Paris and anyone who comes to take advantage of its charm.

Look what I found!

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