Sunday, June 16, 2013

For the Birds

We gave up our usual Sunday street market today in favor of the birds.  On Sunday, by Notre-Dame it's bird market day.  We had been wanting to see what it was all about, so off we went on the bus.  The bird cages are set up just outside of the flower markets, such a colorful sight!  It's hard to say which is brighter.  The birds were happily chirping away.  There is everything you can imagine for bird owners.  Cages, several kinds of seed, feeding dishes, bird toys, and oh yes, lots of kinds of birds. Birds of all colors. There were also some little bunnies, mice, even chinchilla.  We enjoyed looking at the birds, but were not even tempted to take one home.  I might have liked to have had one of those little bunnies though.

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