Monday, June 10, 2013

Centre Pompidou

We took yesterday off.  We made a quick trip to the street market for essentials, then came back to the apartment.  The rain is back and so is the cooler weather.  So it was a good day to hunker down and regroup, even a nap was in order.

I wanted to see the Centre Pompidou.  It houses the Musee National d'Art Moderene (National Museum of Modern Art).  If you want to see lots of Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Marc Chagall, Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol,  Vassily  Kandinsky, Max Ernest, Jackson Pollock, and many more, this is the place.  We saw the old masters at the d'Orsay, so now the modern.  We hopped on the bus for the ride there.  Right after we got off the bus, Tom realized the iPhone was gone!  Damn!  And we thought we were being so careful.  (He called AT&T and had it turned off, so it can't be used, even with another carrier).  Just such a  hassle--so no pictures, but we still have our iPad.  We did enjoy the Pompidou Center, even with a little cloud hanging over us--we miss our iPhone.

The building is most unusual, with its "exoskeleton"- the pipes, hearing ducts, and escalator--on the outside, and the art inside, plus a movie theater, and lot of stores. It's also a large shopping center.   Just outside is a colorful fountain (called "Homage to Stravinsky) in the large open forecourt, which is a free "entertainment center", often featuring mimes, fire-eaters, circus performers, and of course musicians.  Today, it was full of school kids, but that's  probably everyday.

We headed to Metro, back home, stopping for a chicken for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I can't believe you lost your phone! Well I guess you can still take pictures with the iPad. Such a bummer though.
