Sunday, June 2, 2013

Revisiting the Love Bridge

It's Sunday morning, the weather is beautiful and the street market is calling us.  The produce is always picture perfect, and so  are the meats and cheeses.  Such a fun way to start off our day.  We did buy some peaches, bananas, strawberries and some shrimp for lunch.

When I read about the Love Bridge, before we even got here, I knew I wanted to see it.  The first week we were here we did go to see the bridge, but we didn't have a lock.  Today, lock in hand we are ready to put our lock on the bridge.  We don't have a fancy engraved one, but we wrote our names  and wedding date on it.  Finding a place to put it was a bit of a challenge, but we did, and threw the keys in the river, so we are locked in forever!

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