Sunday, June 9, 2013

Dinner with the Navy

We were so impressed with the young men we met on our D-Day tour.  Brian & Taylor had another day in Paris before moving on to their next destination, so we invited them to join us for dinner.  They are  recent US Naval  Academy grads, if you missed previous posts.  They came to our apartment after a full day at Versailles, a little sunburned and tired, but they soon refreshed and got a second wind.  Tom and I introduced them to some typical French appetizers.  Tom wouldn't tell them what they were eating until they tried it.  We served foie gras with apricot chutney, and several French cheeses and a little red wine.  They were a little apprehensive about the foie gras at first, but really seemed to enjoy it after finding out it was goose/duck liver.  A new treat sensation.  We enjoyed a nice visit, recapping their day and headed for our favorite restaurant--Le Morgane.  The guys had the highly touted lamb shanks and Riad had prepared a special duck and red cabbage dish for Tom & me.  It was fit for a King (and Queen).  We all had delicious desserts and Brian & Taylor went on their way.  We went to bed and they went on to their next adventure.

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