Sunday, June 30, 2013

Nadine's Patio Party

Our new French friend, Nadine invited us to a patio party at her apartment.  It was a perfect, beautiful  sunny Saturday afternoon, what could be better?  Everyone was asked to bring a dish to share.  We took little egg rolls and chicken skewers from the Asian restaurant around the corner.  We carefully secured our offering for the bus ride and set out to find Nadine's apartment.  Tom had mapped out the perfect route, so it was not too hard to find.  She lives in a very old building, and the courtyard was quaint and beautiful.  She had tables set up for food and drink.  We arrived about 3 and guests began coming.  The food was plentiful and so was the wine.  We were entertained by dancing and singing, much to our delight.  It was a very enjoyable afternoon and time well spent with new friends.

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