Saturday, June 15, 2013


We stepped out of our comfort zone last night and so glad we did.  We're usually back in our apartment and ready for the evening around 5 o'clock.  Last night our friend Stephane, Michele's son invited us to a club to hear his band play Salsa music.  The name of the club was La Chappell des Lombards.  It was on a very narrow street lined with night clubs.  We found Michele and  Stephane waiting for us and some friends Michele had invited to hear Stephane play.  He plays the tenor saxophone.  The band played, the girls danced and we all had a very nice time.  It was a welcome change from churches, museums and art galleries.  As we left the club about 11:30 the streets were filled with young Parisiens out on a Friday night having a grand time.
Home after midnight, so...we slept late.

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