Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Another Cemetery?


This isn't just another cemetery.  It is the most famous cemetery in the world!  It has been called the "grandest address in Paris".  Frederic Chopin, Moliere, Honore de Balzac, Maria Callas, Amadeo Madigliani and Eugene Delacroix are a few of the many celebrities who call this their final resting place.
We looked at the directory and the layout of the cemetery and realized it is over 110 acres-- we are going to need a map!
With map in hand we went in search of famous people.  First, Collete, a Parisian personality who became a famous writer (50 novels, a number of which were turned into plays and films including  "Gigi" her most famous).

And then, Jim Morrison of The Doors, who died in Paris in 1971 and is still one of the most sought out sites.  His grave is now fenced off to prevent vandals and graffiti.  But that hasn't stopped people from defacing nearby monuments with lyrics, quotations and pictures.

On our way to find Gertrude Stein we encountered Raphael our self appointed guide who was going to show us where she and Alice B Toklas were buried.  Along the way he pointed out Rene Lalique, Sarah Bernhardt, Amedeo Modigliani, Edith Piaf, Oscar Wilde and Isodora Duncan.
Even though we had not contracted with Raphael, he was quick to accept the remuneration Tom offered.  We decided it was time to head for the Metro and rest our tired feet.


  1. I think you have seen all the relevant dead people in Paris!

  2. What vicarious fun!! I "haunt" cemeteries!! Remember this one well but Morrison wasn't there yet!!! Stay well & keep us all informed.
