Sunday, June 30, 2013

Another Sunday Another Park

The weather is perfect today.  73 degrees and sunshine, so we're off  to another park.  Everyone seemed to have the same idea.  The beautiful day just draws the people, for good reason.

Today we found  Jardin des Plantes.  It functions both as a public park and a serious botanical insitute. It's full of gardens that are marked for research.

There is a rosé garden (though it can't compete with the Bagatelle rose garden), open areas for picnicking and general family fun.

There is a Menagerie that is one of the worlds oldest zoos, thus the carousel with all the animals.

The park is home to the Natural History Museum including the Grande Galerie de l'Evolution which we toured earlier and talked about in a previous blog.

We saw people dressed in period costumes.  We never figured out what they were doing, but they looked good doing it.

Dinner at L'oie Cendree

We have met so many wonderful people in Paris, right here in our neighborhood!  Our neighbor, Donna and her friend Soleil are just a couple of these super people.  Earlier in the week, Donna invited us to join her and Soleil at a bistro just around the corner from us.  We met them in our courtyard between our apartments.  We made the short walk to L'oie Cendree.  Donna had checked out this place and made a friend of the owner, cook, waiter,  jack-of-all trades, he does it all!  As I mentioned before, Donna is originally from Long Island, NY and Soleil is from Equador.  Paris is truly international, drawing people from all over the world to it's charm.  We are so fortunate that Donna and Soleil speak English.  Soleil speaks several languages, she has to for her work at the Equadorian Embassy here in Paris.  We had a delicious dinner and great conversation, so nice to get to know these women a little better.

Nadine's Patio Party

Our new French friend, Nadine invited us to a patio party at her apartment.  It was a perfect, beautiful  sunny Saturday afternoon, what could be better?  Everyone was asked to bring a dish to share.  We took little egg rolls and chicken skewers from the Asian restaurant around the corner.  We carefully secured our offering for the bus ride and set out to find Nadine's apartment.  Tom had mapped out the perfect route, so it was not too hard to find.  She lives in a very old building, and the courtyard was quaint and beautiful.  She had tables set up for food and drink.  We arrived about 3 and guests began coming.  The food was plentiful and so was the wine.  We were entertained by dancing and singing, much to our delight.  It was a very enjoyable afternoon and time well spent with new friends.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Late night cruise on the Seine

We've been building up to this, but its been difficult to find a rain free evening.  We watch the weather report all the time and they are usually spot on with the forecast.  Friday seemed to be the day.  We called our friend, Michele to see if she wanted to go with us.  As with all of us, locals rarely take time to do the touristy things.  She thought it would be fun.  Tom booked reservations for three with the cruise company, Bateaux Mouches.  Michele booked dinner reservations for us at
La Mascotte Bar-Brasserie.  She met us after work and we had a very nice dinner.  

We wanted to be on the 10:30pm (the last departure of the evening) cruise because we wanted it to be dark, and it doesn't get dark here until after 10:00.  It's hard to see "The City of Lights" at night when it's still so bright.  We got a front row seat on the top deck of the cruise boat,  just perfect!  It was a beautiful evening--temp. just right, only a gentle breeze.  The audio on the boat left much to be desired, we were so glad to have Michele along, she was the perfect guide.

Paris at night is absolutely stunning.  Our little camera does not come close to capturing it's beauty.

The bridges are beautiful at night.

As are the apartment, office and government buildings.

Being Friday night there were lots of party boats on the river in full swing.  All along both sides of the river people were out picnicking, strolling and just enjoying the evening.  The activities also included several bands playing different kinds of music, while people danced.  We were even treated to "Moon over the Seine" when two young guys dropped their pants and mooned us!

We saw Notre-Dame, the Louvre, the d'Orsay and of course the Eiffel Tower. The Tower is magnificent all the time but at night it's breathtaking!

Michele pointed out many things I'm sure the audio guide failed to mention.  Just as the trip was coming to an end, light rain started to fall, did I mention there was a 10% chance of rain?

Friday, June 28, 2013

les journees de la ceramique (Ceramics Show)

We've been getting these postcards in our mailbox for several weeks announcing the upcoming ceramics show.  Madam Fanny Acquart, our apartment neighbor is a contributor.  We thought it would be fun to go see what it was all about.

There were over 100 artists exhibiting.  Traditional pieces were plentiful, but it was the contemporary that really stood out.  I've been taking clay/ceramic classes at the Craft Guild in Dallas.  I don't think I'll ever get to the level of these artists, but I bought some new tools at the show to help me on my way.
We stopped by the Ceramics Cafe.  Each artist supplied a cup and for purchasing one you got a free coffee/espresso in your new cup.

                   We found Madam Acquart's booth, visited a few minutes and took a picture.

                             The fish and birds really caught my eye, and I had to have a fish.

                                   The chairs were very unusual and delightful, such imagination.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Who's got the Blues?

We had recently seen an article about an authentic Texas barbecue place here in Paris.  Well we couldn't pass up a chance to try it out, no mater how many buses it took to get here.  We found Blues Bar-B-Q--Texas Diner and Barbecue Joint.  There was a chalk-board menu out front, listing lots of mouth watering choices.  We went in and found a kind of 50's retro diner feel with booths and Formica table tops, a very Texas  barbecue atmosphere.  A young man came to take our order.  We both choose a chopped beef brisket sandwich, I had barbecue beans for my side and Tom had Louisana gumbo, (Paris style-lots of zucchini).   We really enjoyed our lunch!  A woman from Dallas and her son own the restaurant.  They do all the cooking themselves to keep control and flavors true to real barbecue and they're doing a great job.  We did meet the owners, Diana and her son, Mo.  We tried the peach cobbler and vanilla ice cream--again delicious!  We had a great lunch and would recommend Blues Bar-B-Q to any Parisienne or any Texan in town.

I'm on the hunt for a dress to wear to my son's wedding.  He and Megan are getting married next April.  I thought it would be so wonderful to have my MOG (mother of the groom) dress from Paris.  I'm in luck because by law France only has sales twice a year,  January and July. They can have "promotions" though out the year, but the big sales happen during these two months.  I've stared my hunt, but so far no luck, but I've only just begun and I have all of Paris to shop.  Come on Tom!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"I never promised you a rose garden"

I may not have been promised a rose garden, but I got one today.  Our friend, Michele recommended the Parc de Bagatelle.  It's on the west side of the city, off the beaten path of the tourists.  Paris owes this park to Marie Antoinette.  She had a wager with her borther-in-law, that he couldn't complete a small palace and gardens in less than 3 months.  He hired 1000 craftsmen, and won the bet.  It's not the palace that draws the people, but the gardens.  I do love roses and these are magnificent!

There were a multitude of peacocks roaming the gardens.

The bumble bees were in bumble bee heaven, as they flitted from flower to flower.

There is a grotto with water lilies.  Wonder if Monet ever came here?

There are magnificent flowers in addition to the roses.

The palace and park was known as Marie Antoinette's folly, but it was a beautiful folly and a lasting treasure for the people of Paris and anyone who comes to take advantage of its charm.

Look what I found!