Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Unexpected Trip to the Dentist

Unfortunately, Tom had an unexpected dental situation.  An old crown came off on Sunday, when nothing could be done about it.  On Monday morning, he called our landlady, Andie for the name of a dentist.  She was so helpful in making an appointment, but he couldn't be seen until today.  The dentist's office was in the Bastille area of Paris, a new route for us.

We are getting so good at this transportation thing, we were very early.  So we took a little time to see the Colonne de Juillet (the July Column), commemorating the Revolution of 1830.  It stands in the center of the Place de la Bastille.

The dentist was so nice!  We were early, and she even saw Tom early.  Unfortunately, he's going to be the proud owner of a new French crown.  The old one couldn't be saved.

Our next Metro ride provided a little musical accompaniment.  Every now and then, musicians will hop on the train in hopes of a little gratuity for their entertainment.


  1. So many great blog posts and pictures. I feel like I am following right along with you in the street. Sorry about your dental mishap -- and after thinking you took care of all those things right before you left!

  2. Too bad about the old one. At least he has something to remember Paris by. I think that’s one of the things that endeared me to Paris when I visited; you can never be bored just walking around and seeing the sights and sounds of the whole place.

    Weston Wadlington

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