Saturday, May 4, 2013

Friday , May 3rd

After a light breakfast we went in search of a post office, and found one very close to our apartment.  As per any post office there were long waiting lines.  We made our way to the end of the line to wait. A man wandered in and began ranting and raving very loudly, of course it was all in French, so we had no idea what he was saying, but he went on and on.  He continued for at least ten to fifteen minutes, we assumed it was about the long lines and few workers.  We thought that was standard for the post office.  We were relieved when he decided to leave and silence ensued, thankfully.

In the afternoon we explored the Marais district, which included the Hotel de Ville (Paris city hall) and walked along the Seine.

We met our friend, Michele and her son, Stephane for an enjoyable dinner at Pharamond in the Marais district.  Hemingway had his own table there, but we weren't seated at his table.  The restaurant is noted as a historical location  due to all the famous writers, artists and politicians that frequented there.

Back on the Metro after midnight--not so crowded.     Betsy

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