Sunday, May 19, 2013

In search of the biggest flea market in Paris

Side note to May 17th
Happy Birthday to Brian!
Big Announcement:  Jamie & Megan are engaged!!

Saturday, May 18th

If you're reading the blog, you know I want to see the flea markets!  We tried one last Sunday, but no treasures.  So we set out to find the biggest and oldest in Paris.  In the beginning, people would go through the discards of the wealthy and set up "stands" outside the perimeter of the city to avoid taxes.  Because the clothes sometimes had fleas, it was known as a flea market.  That's where the markets still are today,  just outside the city.  We consulted the guide books and maps and took off.  We found the street the guide book said, but nothing.  We kept searching and ended up at Sacre-Coeur Bascilica again.  Since it was Saturday, it was super crowded.  We walked and walked, climbed tons of steps and eventually gave up on finding the flea market.  However, we found a regional food fair instead.  This one was from the Perigord region of France.  We enjoyed sampling foods (better than Costco!) and bought some strawberry/honey spread, foie gras and a walnut pastry.  The clouds were threatening so we found the funiculaire and rode it down the hill toward the Metro.

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