Thursday, May 16, 2013

Baguette Competition

Before moving on to tour Notre Dame, we thought a bite of lunch was in order.
The Chambre of Professionalle des Artisian Boulangerier--Patiserians ( the bakers & pastry makers) had a huge tent set up just outside Notre Dame.  We thought this looked like a great place for lunch.  Once inside, we saw men and women making baguettes, pizzas, pastries and more. They appeared to be experienced bakers and students demonstrating their skills in culinary arts.  Fortunately for us they were selling the finished products.  We each selected a pizza for lunch.  The pizza crust was unlike any we've ever had.  It was fantastic.  We found a place to sit outside on a bale of hay.  I went back in for an apricot tart for us to share, a sweet treat after lunch.

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