Friday, May 24, 2013

Trip to a gallery

The woman who lives in the apartment above us is a ceramicist.  Her name is Fanny Acquart-Gensollen, but we call her Madam.  Her specialty is ceramic jewelry.  She left a brochure in our mailbox announcing an upcoming show she was having this weekend.
The rain showed  no sign of letting up and we had no intention of staying in again.  We took off to find the gallery.  It wasn't pouring, just steady.  After a bus ride and a walk, we found the small gallery on a side street.  We visited with the gallery manager.  When asked if she spoke English she said, "just a little bit", and then proceeded to speak very well.  We were the only ones there so we had her full attention and she was very nice.
I bought a small piece of Madam's work, a pin.  She does not speak any English, but rattles on in French as if we understand every word when we run in to her in the laundry room.

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