Monday, May 13, 2013

Lots of Locks

We loaded Tom's backpack with rain gear but luckily for us, it was not needed.  It was chilly, but we were layered and comfortable.  It's been cool to cold since we're been here.  We thought it would be much warmer by now, but so did the Parisians.
  I've been wanting to see the bridge of locks ever since I read about it several months ago.  Couples place locks on the chain links and throw the key into the Seine River below, to ensure their love is locked in forever.  The practice has spread to major cities all over the world.  There are mixed feelings about the "Love Bridge", really called Pont des Arts.  Some love it, some hate it, but lovers must love it because there are thousands of locks on it.  Some think it looks tacky or trashy.  In 2010 the government cut off over 2000 locks.  Personally, I think it's fascinating.  Every lock has a different story.  Some are very old, some are very ornate, some engraved, some little, some very big, there are just lots and lots of locks.  We didn't place one today, but we might go to a hardware store to buy one for locking on later.

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