Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Blue Skys

Tom says it's a good day because he's wearing his sun glasses.  That means the sun is shining and it feels so good.  Today we went in search of the Rodin Museum.  We were hoping to get tickets and avoid the lines when our son Brian and his wife Jen get here.  They are stopping in Paris on their way back to San Francisco from a wedding in Northern Italy.  We were going to buy a duo ticket for the d'Orsay as well. Best laid plans, you can only use the tickets the day of purchase and you have to use both tickets on the same day.  Oh well,  at least we found the museum so we'll know where we're going next time.

Well, this close to the Eiffel Tower and we've been here three weeks and haven't seen it up close yet.  So today is the day.  It is such a grand structure!  I can see why the French are so proud of it.  Of course there are lots of tourists taking pictures and we were right there with them.  Some German girls asked Tom if he would take their picture--he looks very trustworthy.  Then another couple asked the same.  We visited with them for a few minutes and found that they were newlyweds from Los Angeles.  They were a really cute couple and very friendly.

We decided to try to find the hotel where we stayed when we were in Paris before.  After several missteps and lots of retracing steps, we found it!  The Hotel de Londres Eiffel.  We also found the
Cafe Constant, next door to the hotel, where we had eaten a couple of meals before.  We had lunch there and it was still very good, but very slow.  They don't know how to turn over a table quickly.

Since the clouds were beginning to gather, and we had no rain gear with us, we headed for the bus and home.

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