Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Paris at last

Tuesday, April 30, 2013 Jamie took us to DFW airport, we boarded on time, flew all night and arrived on time at 9:45 Wed. morning. Our French friend, Michele was at the airport to meet us. What a life saver! She helped us get our train/bus/tram pass. We hopped on the train and headed to our Paris apartment, our home for the next three months. It's very compact but very clean and nice. Our landlady, Andi is a delight. A transplanted New Yorker, but she's been here for 37 years, so I think she plans to stay. Plus, she married a French guy. After ditching our bags we hit the streets in search of something to eat. Today is a holiday in France, so lots of places are closed. We found a little Bistro for a ham, I mean jambon and gruyere sandwich on a baguette. We bid good bye to Michele and came back to the apartment to unpack. It's only four pm now, but we are beat. If we are still awake in an hour it will be a miracle. Our adventure awaits, and it looks like it's going to be a good one. BETSY

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