Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Maintenance Day

Well, we knew this day would come.  It can't be Paris, Paris, Paris everyday.  Tom fixed us a big breakfast of bacon, eggs, French sausage (it was beef with olives in it) and toasted baguette, because today was clean the apartment and do the laundry day.  Fortunately, the apartment is small so it doesn't take too long, but the washing machine is small also and 3 loads take a long time.  While we waited for the third load to finish, I fixed a lunch of chicken noodle soup (poule aux vermicelles) and we split a chicken and cheese crepe.  Since our only dryer in the apartment is a drying rack, we put all the wet clothes, sheets and towels in a tote and headed for the laverie around the corner to dry everything at once.  We made our daily trip to the Carrefore, our local grocery store to find something for dinner.  We chose hamburger patties with fresh haricot verts (green beans) and new potatoes ( pomme de terre).  It was nice to come back to a clean apartment.  We'll start a new adventure tomorrow.

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