Thursday, May 23, 2013

In search of Ernest Hemingway 1899-1961

We started out this morning to retrace the steps of Ernest Hemingway.  The sky was bright blue, but the forecast said rain.  If the sky's so blue, why would you pay any attention to the forecast.  We have a little guide book that traces the steps of 25 famous people who were in Paris.  (We already did Picasso.)   We started out where Hemingway started out in 1922.  He and his wife Hadley lived at #74 rue de Cardinal Lemoine.  It was so cold this morning and the wind was blowing, but we pressed on.  We crossed over to rue Mouffetard, which Hemingway described as " a wonderful narrow crowded market street".  We trooped back to the Luxembourg Gardens where he strolled almost daily.  When you're as poor as Hemingway was in those days, the gardens are not a bad place to hang out.  I think these gardens must be beautiful year round.  Of course the flowers are replaced  seasonly to keep it that way.  ( We made use of the street toilette since there was no line.  They are self cleaning  so it can take a while to get through the whole process.).  Through the gardens and on to Closerie des Lilas, his favorite cafe in the Montparnasse area.  It's rumored to to be the place where he wrote "The Sun Also Rises".
Remember that forecast I mentioned, well someone was right.  We dashed  for the bus stop since we were unprepared for rain.  That's twice we've ignored the warning, thinking we know better.  We were only about half way through our Hemingway trek when we headed for home.  We will finish him another time.
 When we got back to our neighborhood, the sun was shining and the Thursday street market was going on.  We checked out some stuff, stopped by the grocery store, the bakery and the rotisserie for a chicken for dinner and headed for the apartment as the rain started again.

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