Friday, May 10, 2013

Shadowing Picasso In Montmartre

Today, we retraced the footsteps of Picasso's life in Paris.  We took the bus and then the Metro to the Montmartre area.  Lots of people in this very touristy area.  He settled in Paris in 1904 in a building that was converted into primitive artist's studios.  It was described as rickety and squalid, with only one toilet for the residents, only cold running water and no gas or electricity.  But, the studio was full of light and there was lots of mingling and partying with other artists and writers.  Lots of partying!

In 1904 this area was called "Bateau Lavoir" or the "Laundry Barge" because of the laundry hanging from the windows.  Picasso lived in #13.  The pictures in the window shows a history of the building.

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