Sunday, September 20, 2020

No Fish but a Big Win!

 Another gorgeous day in the Pacific Northwest.  

Being from Dallas, we are Dallas Cowboy fans.  It’s a noon game at home but in this time zone it’s on at 10:00 am.  The game is not being shown in this area so we have to listen to the play by play on the iPad.  The first quarter was so bleak it seemed like a loss for sure. The game picked up in the second and third quarters and in the fourth quarter with 3 seconds left in the game, a miracle comeback and a win!!  Plus, we got to see the last 10 minutes on TV since the previous game was over.  We got to see the unbelievable comeback! 

Looks like a great day to fish.  We decided to go back to one of our early fishing spots up the Rouge River

 The only thing we caught here was moss and seaweed. Yuck!  I can pick off just so much of that stuff.  Tom even waded out sans waders for a better advantage 

but nothing worked.  Move on.  

We tried another spot where we had fished previously.  The tide was in so we couldn’t get our lines out far enough, plus, I caught the “flying C” lure in a tree!  Move on.  

This time, we moved back home for a little dinner.  Maybe that will change our luck. 

 Next, we tried the sand bar by the channel.  

The boats were still very thick— must be something happening. 

The current was so strong, it kept pushing our lures back to the bank.  It was just not a good fishing day.  We decided it’s well worth it to pay a guide. And on Wednesday, we’ll do just that.

As we left the river the sun was just going down. I never tire of the beautiful sunsets we’ve had while we have been here.

A nice local couple happened by and agreed to take a picture of Tom and me as the sun set.

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