Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Company’s Comin’

 We are so thrilled to have friends join us for the next week!  Friends, Pat and Kay from Dallas and Don and Vivian from Wichita Falls will be joining us today.  We are so looking forward to seeing familiar faces!  

The house we are renting has been cleaned and sanitized.  It is a beautiful house at the top of the mountain looking down on the Rogue River and the Pacific Ocean with a spectacular view.

In addition to fishing for salmon we were planning on digging for razor clams.  However just before we got here the governor decided because of COVID-19 it would be a good idea to not allow out of staters to dig for clams.  So we purchased some razor clams at the fish market and prepared a pot of clam chowder for our guests.  Hope that will satisfy their taste for clams.  

We looked out the window and the fog had moved in. We could barely see the boats fishing in the river.

Both of our couples had flight delays and will be late getting here.  Tomorrow will be a better day for them.  As the sun was going down the fog lifted and we were able to get a great sunset picture from our deck.

Tomorrow we will take a boat trip up the Rogue River to explore what they call here the “wild river area”.

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