Tuesday, September 15, 2020

A Good-Bye, and Fishing From the Bank

We woke up to a beautiful morning.  The sun is out and we are fog and smoke free!

Sadly, we had to say “good-bye” to Charles and Pennie this morning.   

Because of the fires in the area, several roads were closed on the way they would normally take to the airport in Medford.  Fortunately, they were able to make it via an alternative route without  too much trouble.  We had such a great time and hated to see them go— good brother bonding time.  

We watched them cross the bridge over the Rogue River on their way north.

We had a nice breakfast and made a grocery list, then off to McKay’s to pick up a few items. Two more weeks here for us.  

After making BLT’s for a picnic lunch we were off for a little fishing from the bank.  New strategy—Tom put on his waders for an advantage.  He made a new friend while tying on his lure.

I sat in my chair, rod in it’s holder, waiting for a fish.  

We enjoyed our BLT while we patiently waited for the fish to bite.

A couple of hours later, apparently the fish were not impressed.  

Did I mention all the wild blackberries around here?  

Well, they are everywhere, so we switched from fishing to berry picking.  

Looks like we’re  better at picking berries than fishing, at least today anyway.  

Might be a cobbler in our future!

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