Sunday, September 13, 2020

Best Day Fishing

This was the foggiest day yet!  We thought maybe we wouldn’t be able to see other boats.  It was an 8 o’clock start time.

  There were fewer boats today because the roads around us were closed due to smoke and fog.  

Maybe we’ll have an advantage.  We’ll take all the help we can get.  That’s the way it is with fishing.  

It was only 8:30 and Charles got a strike!  He fought it hard but the fish decided today was not the day to be caught and took off.  Oh well, try again. 

An hour or so went by and, “FISH ON.”  This time it’s Tom, he fought hard and landed an eight pound “Jack“, a salmon less than 24 inches long  but big enough to keep.  One in the boat!  Pure excitement!  

The morning wore on into the afternoon with several bites but no catches.  Donnette, our lucky charm deck hand arrived late today, but she’s here.    Not long after Donnette joined us we hooked a “Monster”.  In the words of my grandson, Tommy, “it’s massive.”  Talk about fighting, this giant is a fighter!  But so am I!  I reeled and reeled and when I would get him close to the boat he would head the other way.  I continued to work the fish and in the end, I won!!  It’s a beauty!  

The biggest fish I’ve ever caught!  What a thrill.  John, the guide said it must weigh 30 pounds!  We are all high on fish!  

Only about an hour later, Pennie hooked a very nice fish. She battled the fish and then handed off her rod to Charles to bring it in.  

This time, Charles fought the good fight and he won! It was a great fish for the both of them.  

We landed 3 very nice fish today, it was a great success.  We headed to the cleaning station for John to do his thing so we could take home lots of very nice salmon filets.  

Guess what’s for dinner?  Salmon!

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