Friday, September 11, 2020

More Fishing—Ho Hum

John, our fishing guide wanted us on the water at 7:00am!  Usually, I don’t even get up until 7:00am, but today, John’s the boss.  We met him and his super helpful deck hand Donnette at the dock.

There is still lots of fog and smoke in the air but fishing must go on.  Not only is it early, but it’s also cold!  It’s 55 degrees with damp fog and a little wind, but we’re all dressed for it so off we went. 

 The lines are loaded and we’re ready to catch fish.  We troll and troll but no luck.  Boats all around us were pulling in fish, or so it seemed.  

Even dogs were on point to help with the fishing.  

We trolled on.  All of a sudden, “FISH ON.”  Not only was one fish on, there were 2 fish on!  One for Tom and one for me!  Super excitement!  Tom fought  his fish and Charles helped me bring mine in.  

John was so thrilled, “we got a double, we got a double.”  He’s only had a few of those this year.   No longer HO HUM!  Excitement all around.  

We ordered a couple of pizzas for lunch to be delivered to the dock.  We continued to fish though out the afternoon without the same luck.  Since we started early we were able to finish a little early.  Time to go to the cleaning shed to take care of the fish.  
Pictures first!  

All the cormorants 

and the seagulls are lined up for scraps.  

John does a masterful job of cleaning the fish.

  Now, Tom also does a masterful job of putting up the fish for freezing. 

It was a great fishing day and we get to try again Sunday!  Here’s hoping for more excitement.

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