Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Fish and Fire

 We didn’t have a guide this morning but we have an Oregon fishing license and we can fish from the shore.  There is a place that is supposed to be good fishing for salmon.  We wanted to get an early start in case someone else had the same idea.  Up at 6:00am, coffee in hand and we’re off to the fishing spot.  We parked the car and took off down a well marked trail.  Guess what?  We were the only ones there!  

Tom rigged up the salmon poles with special cured salmon eggs.  

I like this kind of fishing, a chair, a rod holder  (stuck in the sand) and hot coffee.  

Well, after 3 hours and nothing to show for it.  The coffee’s cold and so am I, time to go home. 

 It wasn’t a total loss, we stopped and ordered 2 homemade pies from the best pie maker in town.  

You may have heard, there are fires all around us.  It’s smoky, but we are safe.  

Today was the day Tom’s brothers and wives were due to arrive.  Unfortunately, Jerry and Donna’s flight to Medford was cancelled and after a long, trying day in Denver they decided to go back to Tulsa.  We are so sorry and will miss them.  

But Charles and Pennie were able to get to Medford from Pinehurst, NC by way of Dallas and Phoenix.  After a tedious drive around the fires they made it to Gold Beach about 5pm.  We were excited to see them!

Just as they were arriving the smoke started to clear up some and the fog started rolling in.

After they got moved into their room we served them our special clam chowder with a salad and swapped a few family stories until they couldn’t stay awake any longer.  It has been a long day for them. 

Tomorrow will be a better day!

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