Saturday, September 26, 2020

Football For Us, Golf For the Guys

 Jeff had a reservation to play golf at the Pacific Dunes course at the Bandon Dunes Golf Resort north of us at Bandon, Oregon.  He says it’s one of the most famous public courses in the US,  number 2, after Pebble Beach.  He had an 11:40 am tee time, so after breakfast the three of them made the one hour and fifteen minute drive.  Brian and Zeke went along to lend moral support. 

 Jeff got a caddy and hooked up with 3 brothers to complete the foursome.  Brian and Zeke walked along with Jeff as he played this magnificent course. 

 They all had a great time and saw some awesome land/sea-scapes. 

 Even a funny little animal was sighted.  

Was that a squirrel? 

 In the mean time, Tom and I occupied ourselves with college football.  His team (Oklahoma State)  and my team (Texas Tech) played today at the same time.  OSU played West Virginia and my team the Red Raiders played the University of Texas.  

Tom was in control of the remote and he was very fair about staying on top of the games.  In the end, his team was victorious and my team went into overtime with a 56-56 tie.  Unfortunately, Tech came up short in an overtime loss to the Longhorns.  

The guys came back having had a wonderful afternoon of golf. The sun was setting and we took some pictures from the deck.

 It was shish kabobs for dinner tonight.  

We shared football stories and they shared golf stories. 

 We enjoyed a magnificent sunset.  

The rest of the evening was consumed with our Dallas Stars playing in the Stanley Cup finals.  Yea!  The Stars came out winners in overtime!  Great victory!  

More football tomorrow.  We’ll see what the Dallas Cowboys can do!

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