Friday, September 4, 2020

In Search of Giant Trees

 Today the group took a road trip to the Redwood Forest just east of Crescent City, CA.  It took about an hour and a half to get there from Gold Beach.  We were on Highway 101, the coast highway, so the drive was beautiful and interesting.  

As soon as we drove into the forest,

 the trees were gigantic!  

Some of the trees were over 300 hundred feet tall and some were 3000 years old.  

Kay and Pat were dwarfed by the  massive size of these trees.

and they left us in awe of Mother Nature once again.

We took pictures of so many unusual trees.  Too many to show them all.  This tree had a hole in the trunk big enough to fit our whole group in it.

The Smith River runs through the forest.

This tree had been cut down many years ago and people had carved names and initials on it.

When we had seen as many tremendous trees as we could absorb we headed out of the park looking for a good lunch place.  We found one in Brookings, OR at the “Superfly”.  Not exactly what you would think of for a group of old retired people, but the food was good. We were so late getting there that we had either a very late lunch or a very early dinner.
When we got back to the house we watched another beautiful sunset from our deck, 

enjoyed a nice beverage and discussed what we had seen today.

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