Monday, September 21, 2020

If At First You Don’t Succeed—Try, Try Again

 That’s just what we did.  We started out one morning last week to visit Crater Lake but were turned back by the firefighters due to too much smoke and fire in the area.  So, this was the day to try again.

Last week we went North because the Southern route was closed due to the fires. This time we went south to Crescent City, California because Highway 199 was recently reopened.  

Just South of Gold Beach we passed “WhaleHead” rock.

We passed through the Redwood National Forest just east of Crescent City.  Even though it had been recently reopened to traffic it was still smokey

 with some areas still smoldering.

We passed by areas next to the narrow highway which had recently burned.

As we passed through the areas which were recently threatened by fire we were very impressed by the gratitude expressed by the area homeowners with hundreds of handmade signs and banners all along the highway. 

 The fall colors are starting to show themselves among the evergreens.  

I know we’re all ready for fall.  

Oregon is getting a reputation for the outstanding wines produced here.  We saw acres of vineyards and signs for many  tasting rooms.  

We didn’t get to stop today because we were on a mission—Crater Lake!  

Another interesting crop we noticed on our drive was Christmas trees!  

It’s going to be a while before the ones we saw will be adorning anyone’s living room at Christmas.  

This trip was a real treat for Tom.  He had been here some fifty plus years ago and knew it was a place he wanted to come back to.  

He was even able to trace the entire Rogue River from the headwaters at Crater Lake all the way to the mouth at the Pacific Ocean. 

We crossed the Rogue several times on our journey.  A stop we wanted to make was the Rogue Gorge.  

It was a beautiful part of the river, where several people had also stopped for this peaceful view.  

The total driving time today took us about 9 hours, and it was worth it!  

 Tomorrow:  Crater Lake.

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