Friday, September 25, 2020

Fishing with the Guys

 John wanted us at the dock at 7:30 am, so after a delicious breakfast courtesy of Tom, we made it to the dock on time.   Brian’s friends Jeff and Zeke were excited by the prospects of catching salmon, really we all were.  

The weather was cooperating early, but the fish  were not.  

Finally, I had “fish on!”  Lots of excitement in the boat.  It was a great fish but unfortunately, I couldn’t keep it.  

The law says, you can’t keep a Coho (Silver)  Salmon, which it was.  Oh well, good bye good fish.  Try again.  

 About an hour later, I caught another fish, but this time it was a hatchery fish and only about 7 inches long!  

Good bye, fish number 2.  Well, enough of that. 

  Brian’s turn, he hooked a beauty!  

Always fun to bring in a keeper fish. 

Lots of time went by with no activity and suddenly Jeff hooked a nice one!  

Sheer excitement!  We were all so happy for him, first fish!  

The fish are biting but so is the weather.  There was 90% chance of rain and we had been holding our breath that the rain would hold off,  but not to be.  The rains came.  We continued to fish of course and so did other people.  We’re not the only crazy ones! 

 It’s a good thing we stayed, Jeff hooked a fish! It was a good fish but unfortunately it was another Coho salmon, so we had to return it to the river.   

When we finally had enough and wanted to call it a day, Tom hooked one!  Yea!  A nice fish and that made 3 in the boat and 2 we had to throw back.   

Not a bad day fishing, just a bad weather day.  We gave up and called it a day.  Back at the house, time in the hot tub, snacks and watching the Dallas Stars.  

Dinner will be salmon tonight with a clam chowder appetizer.

 Reward for a tough but very enjoyable day on the water.

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