Saturday, September 5, 2020

Gold Beachcomers

 It was another glorious day in Gold Beach. The sun was just coming up and we could tell it was going to be beautiful.


Since nothing in particular was planned for today, we took the day to play.  But first, we had to get fishing licenses for Don and Vivian since they will be fishing with us tomorrow.  After breakfast we went to the Rouge Outdoor Store.

I have been wanting to walk the beach to look for shells, sea glass and anything else that might be interesting that may have washed up from the ocean.  We parked the car and headed for the beach. 

  For some reason there are never very many people on the beaches in Oregon and today was no exception.

We found interesting rocks, but no shells or sea glass, but I like rocks too. 

We did see a father and daughter with her mother and a friend flying a kite on the beach.  We understand it was her first time at the beach.

After taking in the beautiful beach scenes,

It was lunch time.  

We took our friends to Barnacle Bistro.  The beer was cold and the food was good.  

We learned this morning at the Outdoor Store that clamming has been reopened to non residents.  After lunch, we looked for Bailey Beach, as we were told it was the best place for digging clams.  

Now, we’ll know exactly where to go on Monday.  

When we got home the men took a little time out to enjoy the hot tub.  

But the highlight of the day was our dinner!  Pat and Kay brought magnificent steaks from Dallas and tonight was the night!  

Pat grilled them to perfection and we enjoyed a delicious meal. 

 Tomorrow is another fishing day and we are hoping for a great haul!

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