Saturday, August 22, 2020


This has been a wonderful week.  We’re glad we had a whole week here because that’s about what it took for us to see everything.  North, South, East and West, we drove every road that was open.   

From the Yellowstone book:

“ Yellowstone National Park is the wild, free-flowing, beating heart of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  It’s real show-stoppers are the geysers and hot springs—nature’s crowd-pleasers—but at every turn this land of fire and brimstone breathes, belches and bubbles like a giant kettle on the boil.  The park’s highways traverse these geysers, through meadows and forest, past roadside herds of bison and campsites aromatic with pine needles and family campfires,  in between lies the country’s largest collection of elk, the continent’s oldest, largest wild bison herds and a pristine wilderness roamed by wolves, grizzlies, moose and antelope.  Yep, it’s awesome.”

We found all of this to be true.  Old Faithful was a real favorite, not just by us, but by many, every time it erupted. 


We watched many geysers and loved them all, but couldn’t see all 10,000!  

The Grand Prismatic Spring was an amazing site. 

                                                               *Photo from a post card

 The Mammoth Travertine Terraces (both lower and upper) were a spectacular collection of terraces and cascading hot pools.  

And, I can’t say enough about all the animals.  We saw elk,


pronghorn antelope,

Mule deer,


and chipmunks, all in the wild.

Last night, after dark, sitting in our living room, through our living room window Tom thought he saw a wolf or at least a big dog crossing Main Street coming toward us.  We walked out for a closer look—it was a young buck, walking down the sidewalk right in front of us!  He quickly jumped a fence and disappeared into a yard.  Such rare sights make this trip special.  We enjoined trying our hand at fishing,  even though we didn’t catch one, we had to try.  Yellowstone is truly an American gem.  


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