Sunday, August 2, 2020

A Day of Travel and Arrival in Crested Butte, Colorado

August 2, 2020

The plan was to leave at 5:00 am Saturday August 1st, and as we pulled out of the driveway the car clock flipped over to 5:00–we are on time!  We drove for a long time in the dark but the traffic was light and the drive was pleasant.

The hundreds of wind turbines were awesome to see whirling and generating the much needed energy for the Texas panhandle.

When we crossed out of New Mexico and saw the “Welcome to Colorado” sign it was a welcome           sight.

As we headed toward Gunnison we enjoyed watching the rafters paddling down the Arkansas river running next to the highway.  Makes us want to stop and throw in a fishing line and try our luck.                                                            

But we must press on and there will be time for that later.  Plus the rain was looming, someone was getting rain and soon we did too.

After a quick stop in Gunnison for groceries, we headed  for Crested Butte, reaching our destination around 7:00pm.

The condo is in the  Columbine complex and is generously decorated with the state flower by the same name.

Our friends, Pat and Kay have offered us their beautiful condo at Mount Crested Butte for the week.  It is perfect and we are very grateful.  The view from the condo looks out over the base of the ski lift and beyond to the town of Crested Butte below.

Crested Butte is a beautiful, quaint little town.  With the majestic mountains for a background, how could it not be.  The hanging baskets of flowers were abundant and the picturesque houses completed the ambiance of the setting.

As we drove through town Main Street was blocked off for a colorful street fair.

I have to wrap it up now. We are having our good friends Don and Vivian over for a fish fry tonight.            Tomorrow is another day.       

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