Saturday, August 8, 2020

Preparing for Get Away Day

There’s lots to do today to get ready to move on.  But first I need to tell you about what we did last evening.  We decided to take a drive up the Slate River Road.  Dusk is the perfect time to try to see some animals, if you’re lucky.  Just after sundown we head for “the show.”  Tom, driving, looked left and I looked right.  Not too far in, I spotted something—it’s a huge herd of elk!  

We guessed they are preparing to bed down on the side of the mountain.  Because of the limited light and the distance the pictures aren’t great but we saw them!  

Moving on, Tom spotted a doe and a fawn!  

The fawn was trailing along behind his Mom—so sweet to see.  

A little farther along we saw a beaver lodge, but no beaver in sight. 

 However, seeing the elk and the deer, we felt like we hit the jackpot!  

We can’t thank Pat and Kay enough for the generous use of their beautiful condo.  It’s been a wonderful week with perfect weather.  All the people we came in contact with were certainly mindful of the virus, with mask and social distancing.  We prepared almost all our meals in the condo, with one patio dinner and one carry out.  This could not have been a better way to start our journey.


Since we had such good luck last night seeing fantastic animals, we thought we might give it one last try.  Tonight was even better!! 

 First thing we came upon were a couple of beavers.  

We had seen their lodge last night but no animal activity.  Two beavers!  Cute little critters but not too close.  

Moving on, we were wowed to see two magnificent bucks!! 

 They even posed!  How lucky could we get?  

We made several passes back and forth along the Slate River Road looking for the elk, but no luck there.  Just as we decided to make our way back to the condo as it was beginning to get dark, we spotted a doe and two fawns.  

What a night.  We felt so blessed to have seen so many beautiful creatures.  More than satisfied, we headed back to the condo.

Thank you Crested Butte, we won’t forget the wonderful time you gave us and we hope to return sometime.

Salt Lake City here we come!

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