Monday, August 10, 2020

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

 Salt Lake City is the headquarters for the Mormon Church and today we wanted to tour Temple Square and the surrounding buildings. 

There are 13 buildings associated with the Church.  

The Temple 

and The Tabernacle being the main 2.  

Well, COVID-19 strikes again and everything is closed!  We are allowed to walk around the grounds; at least we could do that.  The Temple is undergoing renovation so we really couldn’t even get close.  Construction began in 1853 and the building was dedicated 40 years later.  “A place where heaven touches the earth.”  

However, the flower gardens are absolutely magnificent— every variety you can imagine.


The Beehive House was built under the direction of President Brigham Young and served as Utah’s territorial governor’s mansion, and home to 3 Church Presidents.  

Next to the Beehive house is the Lion House.  

The name comes from the lion on top of the portico.  Brigham Young built the house for his wives and children.  The dining room can accommodate 70 people.  

One very interesting aspect of the Mormon Church is the FamilySearch Discovery Center.  

This interactive experience is a family-friendly way to learn more about your family’s history.  

The Young Family Cemetery is “always open to the public”.   Guess someone forgot to unlock the gate today!  

Brigham Young’s burial place.

Even though our experience was very limited, we enjoyed seeing the beautiful grounds and learning some history about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 

The Capitol building is very close to Temple Square and there are some exquisite old homes near by.   

We also found the city of Salt Lake City to be impeccably clean and the people genuinely kind.

PS. I did take one picture that seems to have some Devine Intervention!


  1. Looks like a beautiful place to take an extended stroll. I am reading some history that touches on Joseph Smith in Western NY in the 1820s/30s. A loose connection to your day there, but a connection nonetheless!

  2. We have had beautiful weather everywhere so far—hope it holds.
