Friday, August 7, 2020

A Day Trip to Lake Irwin

 A trip to Crested Butte is not complete without a day at Lake Irwin.  Again, the day was perfect, 62 degrees as we began our journey.  

The Evergreen trees are majestic and plentiful 

as are the Aspens.  

Nestled in among the trees, we spot a doe.  Always a joy to see! 

 A large hand written sign directs our way to the lake, can’t miss it!  

There were some warnings about the bears but we have yet to see one.  

The path to the lake is so beautiful— the mountains, the trees, even the clouds, all make for a lovely day.  

The lake is alive with people who had the same idea we did.  

The fisher-people are all around the area, but it’s the paddle board people that have taken over. 

 No bother though, room for everyone.  
Tom readies the poles and we drop a line.

We try our luck in several different places and finally, I hook a fish!  Problem is, I didn’t land it, but Tom was my witness.  We fished for a while and gave up in favor of lunch.  

Someone has left us a message painted on a rock, placed on a log.  “You are loved.”  How sweet to find this little gem.  

Lunch over, it’s time to get back to the task at hand.  We need to catch a fish!  Refreshed and ready, we’re back at it.  

Eureka!  I did it!  I caught a rainbow trout.  Determined to land this one, I flung him up into the dirt.  

After documenting my catch, Tom released him back into the water.  It made my day!  I’m not rubbing it in but it was the only fish caught today and Tom is always proud of me when I catch a fish. 

 I saw a bumper sticker that I thought was appropriate for the times...