Sunday, August 9, 2020

Travel Day to Salt Lake City Utah

 We got an early start again, around 7:30. The plan was to stop in Gunnison for breakfast, but  the McDonalds was the wrong direction and we didn’t want to back track, so on we went.  

We passed the Blue Mesa Reservoir just west of Gunnison 

where people were boating, fishing and playing in the water. 

 What fun on a beautiful Sunday morning.  

None of the small towns we passed had anywhere to stop, so it’s Montrose.  Yea, success and breakfast!

When we drove into Utah the landscape seemed to change. 

 The mountains and rock formations were very unique.  

There were lots of mesas and craggy rock formations,  

very interesting to see.  

After finding our SLC apartment, we decided to venture out and get the lay of the land.  Downtown, we found the Mormon Temple—that will be tomorrow’s adventure.

Now, we’re off to find the Great Salt Lake.  

It is indeed great! 

 I had to get in the water, it was so warm, bathtub temp.  

And I had to give it a taste.  

Wow!  You talk about salty!  I’ll probably be up all night needing water.  

It was a very fun day and tomorrow should prove to be just as fun, if not more.

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