Monday, August 24, 2020

Leavenworth, Washington—Apples, Crops and Bavaria

 Since there wasn’t too much to write about yesterday, I thought maybe the drive today from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho to Leavenworth, Washington might be along the same lines—wrong!  We left Coeur d’Alene and quickly crossed the Washington state line and passed through Spokane.  We stopped at Ritzville for gas and saw this interesting set of “Cowboy” statues.

As soon as we left Ritzville we entered the Columbia River Basin and we passed through beautiful farms, one after another for over a hundred miles.  

There was corn both sweet and field, beans, alfalfa, grapes and APPLES.  

You know the state of Washington is known for it’s apples and boy does it have apples.  

Every variety you can imagine and it’s apple picking time in Washington.  

The trees are loaded and the crates are lined up and ready to be filled.  

Some signs were placed in the orchards telling the variety.  Washington along with California must be America’s garden.  
We traveled along the Columbia River.  

Tom spent summers in this part of the country during his college days working for Bonneville Power Administration.  The beautiful, wide Columbia plays a big part in  power generation here.  

When we finally reached Leavenworth, we felt like we were in the Bavarian region of Germany or Switzerland.  

We just didn’t expect to find this charming town here in Washington.  

In keeping with the theme, the shops and restaurants are quaint, clean and inviting.  

The Leavenworth Sausage Garten invited us right in—for lunch!  

After lunch, we walked up and down the streets to check out all the windows, the magnificent flowers, the architecture and all the masked people.  

I stopped to rest and listen to Bavarian music in the town center.

This is truly a tourist destination and we’re glad we stopped here.
It’s time to call it a day at Der Ritterhof Inn.

Tomorrow we move on to Seattle.

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