Tuesday, August 25, 2020

On to Seattle

We left the very quaint town of Leavenworth, Washington this morning. 

The village sits on the banks of Icicle Creek.

Interesting story about the town, in 1960 the city fathers got together to try to find a way to draw more tourists to their town.  That’s when they turned Leavenworth into a Bavarian enclave and it worked!  It is now truly a tourist destination and we enjoyed it very much.  

It wasn’t a long trip to Seattle and  the scenery was beautiful.  

We were in Seattle by noon with time to kill before we could get into our apartment.  So let’s check out the Space Needle!  

Tom was here in 1962 for the World’s Fair when the Space Needle was the centerpiece.  Tickets in hand and a 40 second elevator ride and we’re at the top.  

What a view!  The whole city lay before us and a view of Mount Rainier to boot.

We took it in from every angle.  Even through the clear floor!  

We had a quick lunch high above the city—what a treat!  

This was a most spectacular visit, one not to be missed in Seattle!  

Still killing time by taking in sights, we’re off to find Pike Place Market.  

Fortunately, our apartment is in downtown, so we are close to everything we want to see.  

The Market was lively with people, 

produce stands 


and fish markets as well as some other vendors.  

Oh yes, and several restaurants with beautiful views of Puget Sound.

 After a stroll through the market, it’s time to check into our “home” for the next 3 days.  It’s a very old building with the oldest elevator in the city, and it works.  It’s a good thing, too, because we’re on the 5th floor.  

After a good nights sleep, we’ll be ready to explore another day.


  1. So many great pictures (and well written/edited commentary!). Your place in Seattle really looks spectacular. And is that the market where the fish mongers actually throw the fish to you? I think I saw them doing that while I was there :)

    1. No fish throwing during COVID-19. And I
      wanted to see that!
