Sunday, August 2, 2020


August 1, 2020

Hi Family and Friends,

Tom and I have caught the bug.  No, not that  COVID 19 bug, the travel bug!
We started planning this trip about a year ago.  He spent some time in the Pacific Northwest during his college years and has talked about the magnificent beauty of that part of the country.  After years of talk, I said, “well, show me!”  And thus the plan’s began.  Many have questioned our desire to make this trip due to the current situation, but we have planned, reserved and scouted out the trip.  WE WILL BE CAREFUL!!!
Included in our packing is a huge box of PPE (personal protection equipment). This will be a driving trip, so we will be logging lots of scenic miles.
The first week is in Crested Butte, Colorado.  Then on to Salt Lake City, Utah, Driggs, Idaho (Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Grand Teton National Park), Gardiner, Montana ( Yellowstone National Park), Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, Leavenworth, Washington, Seattle, Washington, Lincoln City, Oregon,
Coos  Bay, Oregon, and ending up at Gold. Beach, Oregon for the month of September.
On October 1 we start home with stops in Hillsborough,California to see Brian and his family and Westlake  Village, California to visit Joanna and her family.
Then on home to Dallas on the 6th of October with a one night stop in El Paso.
 I know that’s quite a trip.
There will be pictures, dialogue and great stories all along the way.

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