Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Isle of Skye Part III

After another delicious breakfast Sunday morning, Andy picked us up in the "Wee Red Bus" and off we went for another castle hopping tour.
The first stop was at a river where legend has it, that if you hold your face in the running water for seven seconds, you will have eternal beauty.  I think the water was so cold your face would probably freeze.

A few feet away from the river was a rock pile area.  Another legend says that if you pile up at least five rocks, you will get your wish.  As you can see, many have made wishes and we did too.

Another interesting story is "The Old Man of Storr".  A young couple wanted to have a child, but she was unable to conceive.  The Scottish Fairies told them they would give them children if the couple would give their first born to the fairies.  A baby boy was born, but the couple loved him so much they ran away and hid for many years.  They went on to have fifteen children.  One day they returned to their original home where the fairies were.  The fairies asked for the first born child and the couple refused, so the fairies turned them into stone.  Today the stone formation is called "The Old Man of Storr".  It's one of the most photographed rock formations ever.

Well, here's the best known legend--The Loch Ness Monster.

This is a beautiful loch and we think maybe we saw where he left some tracks in the water.

We went on to see a couple more castles.  One of our last stops was to see the "Hairy Coos"--The Highland Cows.  They kinda rival the lambs in cuteness!  We made friends with Hamish and Honey!

This was quite an interesting international group. We made friends and had fun with fellow travelers from Bulgaria, China (by way of Georgia), Dubai, India, Maine and the six of us from Texas.

We had a grand time on our three day tour of the Isle of Skye.  Lots to see, stories to hear and good food to eat.

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