Friday, June 3, 2016

Strolling down memory lane and a birthday party

Paris is such an artsy city--art is everywhere!  Even the wall art is interesting.  Here are a couple of examples near our apartment.

Today, we decided to revisit some places from our last visit three years ago.  First stop, the Seine.  Wow, were we ever surprised to see how high the water was.  With all the rain there were no strolls along the riverside.  The water was several feet above the river walk and almost up to the bridges.  No sightseeing boats were on the river, only police and emergency boats!  Even the locals were snapping pictures.

Next we went down to Pont de Arts bridge where the locks were on the bridge, but no more.

The city removed them all and replaced the wire mesh with plexiglass.  They claimed the added weight of thousands of locks was unsafe.  Some enterprising people made sure their locks stayed, by drawing

or finding new locking spots.

There was an art exhibit on the bridge.  I thought maybe it was made from all the melted down locks--probably not.

Next, we headed for our old friend the #95 bus.  It took us right to our old neighborhood.

There were some new things and some old familiar spots.  Shopping our favorite grocery store, Carrefour, we found some of our French favorites.

Today is our friend Barbara's birthday.  Her daughter, Megan, lives here in Paris and choose a very nice restaurant to celebrate her big day.  Tom and I arrived early and had a yummy champagne cocktail made with fermented cherries, nice beginning.

Soon the honoree, husband and daughter arrived.  The restaurant was La Poule au Pot.  Guess what we had for dinner--we all had chicken in a pot.  Chicken with vegetables and broth served in a large bowl.  It was very good!

For dessert, an enormous faux cake arrived with Barbara's chocolate cake on top with candles all around.

We sang, we ate, we had a very nice time.  Happy Birthday, Barbara!

PS The movie I referred to in the previous post which included our little grocery store across the street from our apartment in English is actually called simply "Amelie".  It is supposed to be a very good movie, however we have not seen it yet.

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