Thursday, June 16, 2016

Strolling the Champs-Elysee

The rain is threatening again but we're strolling the Champs-Elysee, come along.

Just off the Metro and we see several Paris icons.  In one picture, the Ferris Wheel, the Eiffel Tower and The Place de la Concorde.

On the Champs-Elysee even the light posts are fabulous.

The trees are trimmed up to add to the elegance of the area.

We get another view of the beautiful Grand Palais.

As you can see, the football fans sporting their colors are everywhere.

The cafes and restaurants are abundant, we'll find one later for lunch.

The window shopping is the best!  It's probably the most upscale shopping boulevard in the world.

Of course, there's always a taste of home here, too!

Swarovski's has a crystal staircase and lovely baubles in the window.

We're at the end of the road or at least half way and here's the grand Arc de Triomphe!  We spent many hours right by it three years ago, waiting for the Tour de France finale.  We didn't go to the top even though many people did, we could see them up there.

Just as it starts to sprinkle and the umbrellas pop up--it's time for lunch.  We find a wonderful little bistro that looks perfect.

We choose our lunch from the blackboard menu and we chose well.

Chicken for me and steak for Tom.

As we dined, the rain fell.

Dessert was part of the deal--of course!

Copper pots were the decore, can't imagine where they found so many.

The interesting bar was called "The Chicken Bar".  No wonder chickens were everywhere.

The rain has stopped so we can move on--more strolling.  We pass by the magnificent Louis Vitton,

another elegant restaurant,

more yummy window displays,

Paris fashion,

and the most upscale Abercrombie & Fitch.

And on the street a little less couture.

Good day, we beat the rain home.

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