Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Moving on to Paris

Monday May 30
We said a sad good-bye to our friends, George and Bj, as they started back home (Dallas, TX) and we headed to Paris with our other friends, Pat and Barbara.  Our flight was delayed for an hour, but that didn't really bother us too much, other than waiting in the airport longer.  After a 2 hour flight, we landed in a rainy Paris.   Michele, our sweet Parisian friend was at the airport to meet us.  We were so happy to see her.
The super shuttle, actually a private car service, took us right to our front door.  The apartment is in the Montmartre area of Paris just below Sacre Coeur Basilica.  It's small but very neat and clean.  There's a combination kitchen, dining room,and living room area, a small but nice bathroom, with a tiny tub/shower and a bedroom with a new queen size bed.

Tuesday May 31
Today we were on a mission to get my camera repaired.  Tom gave me a camera for my birthday, so we would have a nice one for this trip.  When we were at the DFW airport, we asked a man to take a picture of the two of us and he dropped it!  The lens is now at a 45 degree angle, not very good for taking straight on pictures!  He handed it back and said, "I think it's ok."  So today it was 4 metro rides to find a Canon repair store.  We'll see what happens.  This is a settle in and get the lay of the land day for us.  Next, we explored the neighborhood and found a grocery store to get some supplies for our month's stay here.

Wednesday June 1
This is a perfect area!  We are in a lively neighborhood for sure.  There are lots of excellent restaurants, cute shops, boulangeries (bakery), fromageries (cheese), boucheries (meat) and anything else we might need. It was a little foggy as we walked the short distance up to Sacre Coeur.

There was a guy cooking sausages with grilled onions on a bun, that looked a lot like our lunch.

We split one and ate it on the steps of The Basilica.

There are tourists everywhere, imagine that!  We knew our area is a real tourist attraction.
The little market across the street from us, Maison Collignon was featured in the movie, "In the Footsteps of Amalie".  That is our green door on the left side of the picture. Number 59.

There is a staircase leading from the street below to the street our apartment is on.

People are using this passage constantly--locals, tourist, school children, even an artist set up his easel to capture this site in paint.

Tonight we're thinking of having dinner at our Thai neighbor.

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