Sunday, June 12, 2016

A Real Street Market and a Lovely Dinner

To me, street markets are like the Eiffel Tower.  It can't be Paris yet until I've been to a real street market.  On Sunday there is a great street market in our neighborhood of three years ago.  Back to the Metro for a ride from the north side of the city all the way to the south side.  There was a little serenading on the Metro.  At almost any time in Paris, you can hear music.  Usually it's accordion music, but there's also guitar, saxophone or even harp.

Just as we got off the Metro, it started to rain. Up with the umbrellas and off we go.  It's fabulous, just like we remembered, even in the rain.  There are the beautiful fruits and veggies--picture perfect.  Every variety of fish, too many kinds of cheese to count and any kind of meat you could imagine.

There are shoes, hats, blouses, shirts, jeans, leggings, beauty products, kitchen gadgets and even furniture.

They even sell horse meat (chevaline)!

I love this place! We bought sausages, potatoes, peaches and a pair of shoes!  Guess who got shoes?  I hope there are several more street markets in our future while we are here.

We were invited to go to Stephane's apartment for drinks and appetizers before dinner.  His cousin, Camille (and Michele's niece) from Laval, France is staying with him while she is working for "Euro2016"--such an exciting job for a young lady.  She is really in the thick of the excitement.  Just as we got off the Metro, it started to rain, I mean it started to pour!  When we finally made it to Stephane's apartment, we were drenched!  Oh well, we'll dry.  It couldn't dampen our spirits however.   Drinks and appetizers consumed, we're off to dinner.  They chose a nice typically French restaurant.  It was a very nice evening of good food and good company.

Back on the Metro and back home in a slight mist.

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