Saturday, June 18, 2016

An Indulgent Day

Tom announced he had to have a haircut, he couldn't wait any longer.  We saw a place that would do both men and women a few days ago and he decided that would be a good place.  The barber works alone and had a lady in one of the chairs.  Could we wait ten minutes?  Sure.  While the lady had to wait for her color to set, Tom took his turn.  The barber delighted in practicing his English while he gave a very precise haircut, obviously a perfectionist.
Haircut done, time for lunch.
We found a wonderful little bistro just down the block from the hair salon.  Tom started with mushroom soup, I had pumpkin soup with shaved chestnuts.  Tom choose duck and I choose salmon  for our main courses.

Very good and very reasonable, we'll be back!
Today, I wanted to go to the BHV department store.

Six floors of excellent goods, beautiful clothes and gourmet foods.

They had typical toys,

fancy kitchen wares

and pricey Eiffel Towers.

My favorite was the nail polish machine, put in your 6€ and choose your color!

Who needs a Coke machine when you can  have a nail polish machine!

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