Monday, June 6, 2016

Montmartre--A day in our neighborhood

This has been the most perfect day in Paris so far. We didn't need a coat, an umbrella or even a sweater.  What we did need were sunglasses!  What a change.
It was a good day to continue to explore the Montmartre (pronounced Mo Mart by the French) area.  It was originally a tall rock outcropping in the north of the city.  Often referred to as "the butte".  In 250 AD Saint Denis, the Bishop of Paris along with two other priests were executed here by the Romans for preaching Christianity.  The area subsequently became known as "The Mount of the Martyrs", Montmartre.
Since this is the highest point of Paris there are tons and I mean lots of stairs and inclines.

The funicular is our best friend.  We can ride it with our Navigo (our Metro and bus pass).  Up the funicular to Sacre-Coeur, where the first stop was a souvenir shop to buy postcards for the  grandchildren.

Several months ago, we purchased a painting of this area for our home.  We wanted to find the point of view of this painting that included the artist colony, the sidewalk cafe and Sacre-Coeur and we think we came really close.

A wonderful sidewalk cafe was chosen for lunch.  It was recommended by our landlady and just steps from our apartment.

The Metro stop closest to us is Abesses.  Pronounced in French as Abess.  It is the deepest metro station at 36 meters (118 feet).  This one has an elevator that we take up and down to the platform.
The Hector Guimard design is one of only two glass covered entrances left in Paris.

Right outside is a beautiful carousel for children.

Such a delight to see these sweet faces taking their turns.

Throughout Paris are many beautiful carousels.
One more trip to the grocery store, a stop by the boulangerie for a baguette and croissants and home for dinner and a good nights sleep.

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