Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Isle of Skye part II

We're staying in a delightful B&B in Portree on the Isle of Skye.  The views are stuning and the grounds are very well manicured!

Our breakfast was delicious.  Marie and Ewan work  tirelessly to keep everything perfect.  Before we left home, everyone told us how cold and wet the weather would be.  Well, it's been just the opposite!  Sunshine, blue sky's and perfect temperatures. We have been so lucky!  Why did I bring this heavy coat and these wellies (rubber boots).
This morning, Andy, our driver picked us up at 8:30 sharp.  He's very punctual about his times.

All 16 accounted for, we set off for Lsalt Falls.  The walk was well worth the falls reward.

We drove all the way to the north end of the island to see the dilapidated Duntulm castle.  Built in the 14th century, it was the seat of the chiefs of the McDonald clan of Sleat in the 17th century.

Then southward to the cemetery were Flora McDonald is buried.  She is a national heroine, having saved Bonnie Prince Charles Stewart from the English.

Alexander McQueen noted fashion icon is also buried in the same cemetery.

We wrapped up the afternoon with a trip to Neist Point.  It is on Dunvegan Head on the western part of the island. There is a magificent view if you are willing to make the steep mile hike out to the end of the point.  We opted for the closer view which was equally stunning.

Did I mention all the sheep?  There are thousands of sheep on this island, hence all the beautiful woolen products.  The sheep and their lambs are everywhere.  And so captivating, we couldn't resist lots of pictures of them.  We want to bring a lamb home.

Our dinner this evening was at a wonderful seafood restaurant, the Cullicuan.  The fresh Scottish fish was superb.  I know I keep using the same adjectives over and over to describe Scotland, but that's just the way it was.

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