Saturday, May 21, 2016

Dinner with Max and Jean

Three years ago, when we were in Spain, we met two couples from the UK.  Max and Jean live in London.

Jean's brother, Ian and Mary live in Glasgow (more about them later).  Several weeks ago, we contacted Max and Jean about dinner when we were going to be in London.  They responded back very favorably, so it was set.  They suggested dinner at Simpson's-in-the-Strand and drinks afterwards at the American Bar in the Savoy Hotel.  We met at Simpson's, an old chess club and elegant restaurant that's been around for 185 years.

Many famous people were regulars here including Charles Dickens, Winston Churchill, George Bernard Shaw, Sir  Arthur Conan Doyle and others.  This restaurant was also seen in Downton Abbey, recognized by sharp eyed watchers. We all ordered the Scottish beef for dinner.

Afterwards, Max decided he wanted to challenge the house to a game of chess as he is an avid player. The Sommelier brought a board and pieces to the table and the game began.   The Sommelier turned out to be a champion player and Max was a little surprised to be taken down so quickly, but was a gracious loser and we moved on.

Around the corner is the world famous Savoy Hotel frequented by celebrities of all walks of life-actors, politicians and world leaders.

It was fun to check out the well known people who's pictures 
lined the walls.  Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Becall, Judy Garland and Bing Crosby were among the many regulars.

We enjoyed an after dinner drink in the lavish American Bar.

We loved visiting and catching up with Max and Jean and hope to see them.again sometime in the future.

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